Monster Savings whilst Polishing up your Sustainability act

We showcase our extensive expertise in this area and the substantial savings to be made by polishing as opposed to replacing fuel. 

Fuel Polishing not only reduces your company’s carbon footprint and emissions, but it also can substantially reduce your costs.

Firstly, let’s just recap on a few considerations:

1. Why is Fuel Polishing needed?

When oil-based fuel sits in storage tanks for long periods of time the fuel can become unusable. It used to be the case that this fuel had to be disposed of and replaced at significant cost. Now fuels can be reconditioned through polishing and cleaning.

As part of our annual servicing process we sample on site fuel and obtain independent laboratory analyses to assess and monitor its condition.

2. What does Fuel Polishing achieve?

Fuel Polishing is the very fine filtration of diesel fuel to remove impurities of accumulated dirt and particularly water. This is accomplished by pumping diesel fuel from a tank, through a series of filters, and back to the tank. Fuel polishing can collect free and suspended water (suspended is when it has mixed with the fuel) and this will stop the breakdown of the fuel.

An efficient fuel polishing system will be specifically designed to agitate and mix the fuel in the bulk tank, lifting water and contaminants from the tank bottom to enable them to be passed through the polishing system to be removed.

3. What are the Key Benefits of Fuel Polishing?

  • Fuel will burn when it’s actually needed so systems operate correctly.
  • Maintains existing fuel rather than having to dump and replace stocks so is far cheaper.
  • Prevents water from mixing with the fuel ensuring the fuel will burn efficiently.
  • Prevents blocked fuel filters and seized fuel pumps.

Fuel Storage Solutions can polish your fuel back to a usable standard (BS4406 – 18/16/13 particle count) saving you money and CO2 emissions.

The standout benefit of Fuel Polishing is:


Our case studies below give you actual figures:

Reduce your carbon emissions with Fuel Polishing

FSS Environmental saving so fuel polishing

Read more here: Your Fuel Polishing Questions Answered

Our CATS team is ready to talk to you on 01274 813003 and supply more examples of how this technology has saved our customers many thousands. We can set up one off inspections or save you additional costs with a maintenance contract

FSS is committed to delivering quality solutions across all aspects of our service provision.